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How to Fix American Education: Book Review
1 hour ago
Reclaim the Name
Republicans didn't want to vote for her because she was black and a woman and democrats wouldn't vote for her because she was republican. She was screwed from the beginning. I'm surprised she had such high hopes for herself. Bye Bye Love!
27 NOV 2012 1:12 AM
...and my favorite ignorant progressive statement:
Though I admit it's a shame she, as a minority, associates with such a xenophobic movement.
22 NOV 2012 9:55 AM
I will never understand black tea partyers ,,,,,they will always be a N with the white teaershere's another good one:
21 NOV 2012 8:51 PM
She is not a tea partier. They supported her over the other guy because he was a dem. It doesn't mean that she has an american flag jumpsuit & hangs out with palin
22 NOV 2012 8:36 AM
Mr. Dold is seeking a political resurrection in next November’s election, after just one term on Capitol Hill. After riding the Tea Party wave to Washington in 2010, he was swept out of office by the Obama tsunami in Illinois in 2012.It was very hard continuing to read the article after this line as the author lost all credibility with me - but part of his article is valid. It looks as if some Tea Party republicans are stressing "moderate" positions and affiliations versus simply a "throw the bums out" position. This is mocked as somewhat hypocritical and transparent.We all know that Democrats never moderate their positions to appeal to the middle and to "mask" their true intentions so it's quite legitimate to mock Republicans for doing something along this line.< /sarc >
G.O.P. Firebrands Tone Down Their Message and Run Again
Year | Dem | Rep | Other |
101st (1989–1991) | 262 | 173 | 0 |
102nd (1991–1993) | 267 | 167 | 1 |
103rd (1993–1995) | 258 | 176 | 1 |
104th (1995–1997) | 206 | 228 | 0 |
105th (1997–1999) | 207 | 226 | 2 |
106th (1999–2001) | 211 | 223 | 1 |
107th (2001–2003) | 213 | 220 | 2 |
108th (2003–2005) | 205 | 229 | 1 |
109th (2005–2007) | 201 | 233 | 2 |
110th (2007–2009) | 232 | 203 | 0 |
111th (2009–2011) | 257 | 178 | 0 |
112th (2011–2013) | 193 | 242 | 0 |
113th (2013–2015) | 201 | 234 | 0 |
Now we find out that the movie had nothing to do with it. The administration through the First Amendment under the bus for what?